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Schools in Wales were given funding on a 'per pupil' basis specifically to support pupils identified as needing additional support to 'catch up' following the COVID-19 school closure from March 23rd - June 26th 2020. This funding runs from Sept 2020-August 2021 and will be allocated in two sums (Sept 20-Mar 21 / Apr 21 - Sept 21). Schools have to draw up detailed plans on how they will spend this money and then they have to show the progress that each pupil has made against the spending.


The total allocation of ALP funding for Sept 2020-Aug 2021 is

£9 929.11.


The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils:

  • Two days per week starting Sept 20-Aug 21 supporting learners identified as needing additional support to realign with peers following school closure.

  • Bespoke 1-2-1 and small group support for identified learners in Y4-6.

  • LSA to be supported with catch up program LSA given 4 days to develop, create and organise resources for catch up groups

  • Additional staff employed to undertake accelerated learning program

  • Pupils baselined and children behind expected levels identified

  • Timetable of support provision for pupils needing reading support, literacy support and maths support identified. 

  • Pupils learning and progression is regularly monitored and intervention support reviewed. 


The school’s ALP plan is regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body, supported by advice from the EAS (Educational Achievement Service) and monitored by the Local Authority.


Accelerated Learning Plan Grant (ALP) Funding

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